Southern Ocean on NOAA Ronald H. Brown during CLIVAR A16S

Welcome to the Hatta Lab

Mariko Hatta

Participated field activities

SEAGOING EXPERIENCE 2001 POST-WOCE Hydrography. North Pacific and Bering Sea. RV MIRAI 55 days 2001-2004 Marine Biogeochemical Cycle Research. East China Sea, Sea of Japan, Toyama Bay. Tansei, Nagasaki, Kakuyo Maru 94 days 2006 OPP. BWZ. Drake Passage. RV Palmer 42 days 2007 CLIVAR I09N.

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Mariko Hatta

Presentations (Posters)

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS - POSTERS 2001 Sep. Annual meeting of Geochemical Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan. The flux of dissolved and particulate phosphorus from river to Toyama Bay. (in Japanese) 2002 May. Sixth International Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Reconfirmation…

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Mariko Hatta

Presentations (Talks)

Here is my history of my public presentations at conferences. 2002 Sep. Symposium of the Oceanographic Society of Japan, Hokkaido, Japan. Water mass distribution and its alteration in Japan Sea by the determination of dissolved oxygen and REE. (in Japanese) 2003 Sep. Goldschmidt Conference, Kurashiki,…

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